Ring Around the Rocks

Add in Masterbaster (needs to register)and d.0 Cutler

Pace was fast, rocks were shared and by then end of it we should have all been whooped  

Warm Up

25 x SSH IC

Run to Flipping Tire

Each PAX flips 5 times while remainder holds squat with air presses until everyone completes. Switched it up to relieve pressure on quads to include squats, lunges, squats again. 

The Thang

Round 1 – grab rock, size doesn’t matter as you’ll be rotating through after each exercise

15x curls IC

15x skull crushers IC

15x rock swings IC

15x squats IC

15x sidewinder IC

Run to Wall climb over and return to next rock

Repeato with 10x

Repeato with 5x

10 count from Dutch and on to round 2

Round 2

15x squat curls IC

15x Russian twist IC

15 x rock press IC

15 x rock merkins IC

15 x rock lunges IC

Run to Wall climb over and return to next rock

Repeato with 10x

Repeato with 5x



25 x LBCs IC

25 x Reverse crunches IC


Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


Mumble Chatter

  • Great turnout this morning and felt it necessary to remind PAX that we still meet when it is below 50. Opens conversation of whether we meet when it is raining, hailing yada yada 
  • T-Claps to C# for being first inline to grab the flipping tire knowing it was full of water and additional weight
  • A few of the PAX decide that boulders would be a great idea … everyone got to share the love with the constant rotation
  • Mulligan loses his place and ends up next to the Q where he released built up pressure #fartjokesarestandard
  • I wanted us to get through the full workout this morning… A few cadence mishaps, hurry up offense and a few remarks from the peanut gallery but we made it. Nice Effort Guys !