Ring of Fire at Da Mighty Oak today

+1 Pax (Orphan) for a total of 17 at Da Mighty Oak today.  With a new playlist on deck, we started the morning off by throwing it back to 1984 with some Van Halen….and here's how it started.  

Warmorama – run around school.  

  • Back of school
    • Van Halen "Jump"
      • SSH / Burpees with every "Jump"
      • Mtn Climbers / Burpees with every "jump"
      • ISH / Burpees with every jump
      • Ends up being about 18 burpees to get the workout started.  To date, Chumbawamba is still better (27) but Van Halen is so much better to the ears.
Rock pile

  • Bring rocks to back of school to basketball hoops – Croc may have grabbed something more like a stone.
  • Pax Count of by 2s – Orhpan proved he needs to go back to school
    • 1's run to bus entrance 20 Australian bar pull ups
    • 2's run to other side behind school for 20 Australian bar pull ups
    • Run back to rocks
    • 20 shoulder presses
    • Run back to bars
    • Repeato down to 15, 10, and 5 for both pull ups and shoulder presses
  • Circle up with rocks
    • Slow curls (5 count up and then 5 down) X 10.  
    • 10 regular IC
  • Johnny Cash
    • Entire Pax plank in circle
    • One pax starts with Rockee (burpee with Rock) when he's done, next guy goes while previous guy planks until everyone does a burpee
    • Then one round of continuous Burpees until YHC calls it quits.  Some BS called here as the guys who go early basically get screwed.  Oh well, you are stronger because of it, and YHC learned something.
  • Freddie Mercuries X 25IC
  • High Flutter X 25IC
  • Back to Rocks
    • Rock Swings 25 OYO (these are so much better with Cindy)
    • Skull crushers X 20IC
  • Route 66 (i.e., Ascending curb crawl) – normally do this early – but learned today that this is a killer later in the workout now – future reference!
    • Bear crawl from one curb to other, 11 merkins, lunge back 10 curbkins on curb, bear crawl back for 9 merkins, etc. down to one.  Total of 66 merkins/curbkins
  • Another round of Ring of Fire, this time with Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" playing.  Also added about 2 mins of Louis Z's this time.  This is where the burn really started in the shoulders…wow, on fire is right!
  • Return rocks / stone
  • Crawl bear up hill, bear crawl down – this one always gets sighs.  Need to go off AO next time (Bam Bam bring your leash) for the DREADED crawl bear on Travolta hill on grass #brutal
  • Mary – sorry, no time left for you.
  • Great job by Pax today.  Less running / sprinting than I'd normally do but I needed a rest from running myself.
  • With that said, leaving Route 66 towards the end will take the wind out of you.  Raven in particular who didn't grasp the concept and probably ended up doing 166 merkins.  
  • Caboose – you continue to impress me every time you come out.  Nice work.  Ty Webb, a stud as usual.  Not sure what Carrier feeds you guys, but something must be working.
  • Ultraman – you turn your watch off today?  Only heard it once.  Either that, or we weren't working hard enough.  
  • Fescue was strong like bull today!  Nice work for less than 1 month into this ridiculous regimen.  
  • Toxic was toxic as usual, and I think a few others were cropping it up as well!  
  • Had all new music today, but wow, I need to get the suitcase speaker again.  This Bose speaker just isn't going to cut it anymore.  Putting an order in soon!  Starting with the Van Halen "Jump" Burpees was a good way to take us all back to 1984 and get the heart rate up early in the workout.  
  • I'm not sure how many Burpees we did today, but it was a TON.  
  • Bunyan and Bam Bam called me out for not having Ring of Fire playing while we did the Ring of Fire workout.  So…I did a redo of it about 15 mins later with Johnny Cash doing his thing.  Much better, thanks guys!  Not sure the Pax thanks you though.  You added another 15 Burpees to the end with my redo.  I need better instructions on Ring Of Fire next time…kind of a cluster.
  • Thanks to BabyRuth for coming in from Davidson today.
  • Great seeing SweetC out there in the gloom again!
  • Praying for Limbergers mom who had knee surgery Tuesday, and Baby Ruth's buddy in Davidson.
Nice work to all.  Do something great / above and beyond for a loved one or friend this week or month.  It goes a long ways!  

Until next time – Ditka