Ring the Bell

Event Date

Sep 29, 2017

Warm up

20 IC side straddle hops

10 IC push ups merkins

10 IC imperial squat walkers

The Thang!

– Full Body X2 sets

20 double arm bell swings

10 per arm single arm bell swings

20  Atlas swings

10 IC sumo high pulls

– Upper body X2 sets

10 IC Chest press (on your back)

10 IC Pull over

10 IC Skull crushers

10 Per arm curls

– Lower body

10 IC kettle bell squats

Kettle bell lunge walk 20m out and back

10 IC imperial squat walkers

Core and Mary

10 IC Kettle Bell over head sit up

10 IC  Kettle Bell Russian twist

10 IC Leg raises

10 IC Flutter kicks

10 IC LBCs


James 1:2-4New International Version (NIV)

Trials and Temptations

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.


I will try to plan the workout a little further in advance so we're not trying to come up with some extras.

We had 5 Pax out this morning which is pretty normal for Kettlebells

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning and sorry for taking so long to post this backblast.