Ring the Bells

The men from Mountain Island squeezed off another great workout!  We focused on slow deliberate form.

Warmorama: dynamic stretch, SSH x 25, TS x 15, Mericans x 10


  • 15 kettlebell swings
  • 10 goblet squats
  • 10 shoulder press
  • plank, repeat, run lap

The climax:

  • 10 kettlebell windmills (each leg)
  • 10 kettlebell one-arm snatch (each arm)
  • 10 kettlebel halos
  • plank, repeat, run lap

Repeat until sweaty and satisfied!

The moleskine:

  • We worked on form today.  Too many (personal) injuries with bad form.  Watch some videos for form, slow down and enjoy it!
  • Studies have shown, exercise like lifting heavy weights can increase testosetrone.  
  • Twice a day seems excessive.  If done repetitiously, one may not need a physician but an optometrist!
  • Never have your F3 brothers for a professional peer group, unless you are prepared for the hilarious and rediculous.