Ringing in 2016

The Thang

11 men started the New Year off at PAINinsula with a bang, including 1 FNG.  Welcome FNG John Metzger with an EH from Dingo.  Earl Grey also thought about joining us, but then decided work was more important.


Given the temperature, we wanted to warm up quickly.

  • SSH x 20
  • Merican x 16
  • IST x 20
  • Plank Jack x 16
  • Mtn Climber x 20

Main Event:

Four Corners w/ Diff Exercise in Each Corner, Alternating x20 and x16, Sprinting from C2C

  • Squats
  • Staggered Mericans
  • LBCs
  • Staggered Mericans
  • Freddie Mercury
  • CDD
  • Calf Raises
  • Mericans
  • Squats
  • Makhtar Ndiaye
  • Mason Twist
  • Knee Ups

Mosey to BS Hill

  • Burpee Ladder – High Knees Up / 5 Burpees….Repeato Down to 1

Mosey to BS Parking Lot

  • Partner Up – Alternate Up/Back Sprint with Max Reps of:
    • Mason Twist
    • CDDs
    • Jump Lunge


  • Low flutter x 20
  • Box Cutter x 16
  • LBCs x 20
  • 16 Leg Throwdowns



  1. Impressive that 4 of the 11 men ran to the workout this morning.  Beetlejuice, Moses and Primo are apparently in marathon training mode and took the opportunity this AM for ~3.5 miles to the AO (D/T was nice enough to bring his van to transport the motley crew home).  Metallica did his normal jaunt to/fro.  And you know what, all of these guys were at the front of the pack during the rest of the workout.
  2. As an NC State grad, Moses has a long-seeded distaste for the Four Corners.
  3. Broke out the Makhtar Ndiaye to pay homage to my first F3 workout many moons ago, when I was like 12.  Moses was there (he EH’d me after all), so he asked if I remembered who led the workout, and hence the Moniteur reference.
  4. Not so sure Crack was as enthused by the “lift” Moses gave him during Four Corners.
  5. Lots of mumblechatter about appropriate exercises at the PAINinsula AO, particularly during Four Corners.  Think B2W at Hollywood VS was bad, this would take it to a whole new level (real live v. inanimate objects).
  6. Hollywood broke out a college T-shirt this AM…I’ll give you one guess as to the War Baby.
  7. Our FNG had absolutely no problem fitting in this AM, which leads to the following questions: a) why did it take Dingo so long to EH him and 2) what name will we bestow upon him when he returns?  Moses had a strong line to FNG…I wore a white shirt to F3 once too.  The white shirt might just play a role is his name???
  8. Soprano has the Q at Mighty Jungle tomorrow – I'm sure that will be fun (insert sadistic laugh here).
  9. Always a pleasure.

Pax Tibi,
