5 men at Cobalt for some warmer weather. 2 by car, 2 by foot.
Mojito led warm-up. Q had emergency situation to deal with.
Main Event
Run to boat launch parking lot. Start at top of parking lot X 10 called exercise, run to gazebo X 15 called exercise, run to bottom of ramp X 20 called exercise. Repeat. Burpees, merkins, squats, wide arm merkins, abs, etc etc
Indian run back to clubhouse. 20 merkins, 25 LBC, 20 merkins, 20 crunchy frogs. All she wrote.
- Mojito commented that Q modeled the workout after one of his. Perhaps……
- Grip out there for a Thursday killing it
- Toro and Ladies Man solving the world’s youth soccer problems
- Daddy Daughter dance on Saturday for LM and SR. Last one for Q……..where does the time go
- Solid work men. Prayers for lots of things. El Tigre and his family at the top of the list.