The great rivalries of history: North vs. South, Becker vs. McEnroe, Betamax vs. VHS, Microsoft vs. Apple… and today we added one more:
Warmorama: Run!!!, SSH, TS, IST, Windmills
The Thang:
Pair off. The first of the pair bids the reps of the exercise that he can do before the other can complete a 40 yard dash. If the exerciser completes first, the runner bids a higher rep count by 1, 5, or 10. Switch runner and exerciser. Repeat. When the runner wins, the exerciser takes a final lap. Wait for the other pairs to finish.
- Mericans
- Squats
- LBCs
- Burpees
- CCDs
- Incline Curb-icans
- The three Fs were mixed up by the Q. Is Fellowship interchangeable with Fraternity? We know at least one of the Fs is not Grip's schooltime proposition.
- Grip was a participation winner. Shaft (shut yo mouf) cheered him on.
- Nothing like the spirit of competition. El Tigre and Natty Lite were turning on the gas!
- Both Mount St. Helen and knees are afflicted with ash.
- zattly (Zat-lee) – condition when haltosis takes on a fecal odor. "Your breath smells zattly like your…Hahahaha!"
- We got a good sweat in the 20 degree weather. We had few chuckles along the way! Always an honor to be with fine men.