River Monster AO Exploration

Event Date

May 02, 2016

4 men (listed + Pearl who we need to get registered)  rolled out into the muggy, post-storm gloom for a little AO exploration.  River Monster ususally stays in a concentrated area, due to the heavy items being tossed about, but today YHC wanted to move around a bit.  Plus, the HOA decided that our cinder blocks were "dumped there by contractors"…trying to see if we can get them back. What contractor worth his salt does not have a use for a bunch of good cinder blocks?!  I digress

Regulars Lex (likes running better) and Cap'n (likes fartsack better), notably absent.  Creeper absence communicated and excused (heal up, brother).


Quick lap of the lot and circle up for…



10X Toy Soldier IC

10X Cotton Picker IC

10X Windmill IC


Mosey to the bleachers for…

Ladder: start at 1, go up to 8, go back to 1

  • Dips
  • Single Leg Stand Ups

4 sets 10X alternating

  • Incline 'Merican
  • Reverse Crunches

5X Bleacher Creatures:  lunge walk up 4 steps, side lunge back down 4 steps

Mosey to mini playground and partner up for….

Alternating Ladder Down 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

  • Pullups
  • Sw'ericans (decline pushup with feet on swing, reverse crunch at top)

Picnic table step ups 10X each leg

Mosey to handrails for…

Alternating Ladder Down 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

  • Australian pull ups
  • Single leg squats
  • Oh yeah….bear crawl across street between exercises.

Mosey back to lot for…

10X Tony Hawk IC

20X Mountain Climber IC

10X Magilla IC


20X Freddie Mercury IC


Round of A-Z (air spelling with legs)

I purposefully didn't pass around the circle because Bagboy was there and always calls pillow talk (which is not my favorite).  So when I called RECOVER RECOVER, Bagboy commented that his watch had 3 minutes left, and subsequently called…pillow talk (which he loves almost as much as crushing Goruck events and Matlock).  

Bagboy's 3 minutes

10X Pillow Talk (each side) IC

10X Low Dolly (each side) IC

10X Low Flutter (each side) IC


1. Missing a couple core members, so numbers were low.  This did not discourage YHC.  We will get some folks back and there are a couple slow burn EHs that are close to fruition.

2. Rumors of rennovation to the park…in a good way…"outdoor fitness equipment" was mentioned at a Davidson Town Hall, and I have already reached out to offer F3 consulting services.  So the AO will evolve.

3. 4th day on in a row with 2 Qs ta boot…I am TIRED…but not missing a TBC F3versary at Blender tomorrow.