River Rat 10k / Excelsior / The Estate Dec 29, 2018

Event Date

Dec 29, 2018

0500: Vandelay and YHC ran the RR10K 

0600: Vandelay and YHC for a couple of Bud Henderson hill repeats and a ton of stretching. Appreciate the company Vandelay!

0700: At The Estate YHC was joined by Rooter, Jenny, and Snake Eyes. Roughly what we did:

Mosey to the basketball courts with high knees and butt kickers. Disclaimer given.


  • Happy Jacks x 5 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Windmills x 15 IC
  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 min
  • Another mosey with exaggerated long strides and karaoke

The Thing:

  • One person carried my heavy ruck overhead to third hoop and back while everyone did LBCs AMRAP
  • Repeato until everyone carried ruck
  • Repeato but with squats
  • Lap around track
  • We were given attempts to sink a free throw. If everyone missed we did 10 Burpees. That happened twice so we mixed in 20 Burpees 
  • Also mixed in: dips x 15 IC twice, step ups x 15 each leg, wall sit x 1 min, pull-ups followed by knee ups x 8 OYO, painful hold in pull-up position, and a few laps here and there
  • One more ruck carry for everyone with low flutters


  • Crunchy frog x 15 IC
  • Break dancers x 15 IC
  • 45 seconds of this thing that was hard
  • Elbow plank x 45 seconds
  • Al Gore x 45 seconds

Recover, recover. Over 10 miles for the Triple Down including 1.5 miles at The Estate.


  1. Great crew today. Everyone joked that the workout consisted of some random things I had in my car…and that was accurate! The scheduled Q was ill so YHC filled in.
  2. Snake Eyes with a ruck just looks right!
  3. Jenny called out YHC on bad low flutter form and provided comic relief throughout.
  4. When YHC mentioned I didn’t want to do the Burpees either Rooter said “but rules is rules” which was my favorite line of the day. 
  5. Second F was great as always after at NY Bagel.

Enjoyed it gents. Turnpike