Road Blockies

Event Date

Apr 12, 2023

Beautiful cool morning to cruise Rt 66 and play with the blocks!

Warm Up

SSH, TS, WM, CP, MH, Tie Fighter

Main Event

Rt 66: Lap around parking using various modes of transport, bear crawl, quadrafillia, lunge walk, karaoke, high knees, mosey.  Six reps of; burpees, CH squats, merkins, dips and step ups.  Australian pull up bars for two sets.  
To the block pile.  Top Gun:  10 minutes continuous, six reps of: curls, press, skull crushers, upright rows, dead lift, squats with drop for blockie on the minute.  20 swings then return blocks.

Australian bars for pull ups.  Quadraphilla to the bank/sidewalk.  Back to launch pad.


Lbc, pretzel crunch, side leg raises.

Reflection: John 6:35. “I am the bread of life.  Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”  Prayers for Zippy.  Pleasure to lead.