Road trip to YHC home town in Forked River New Jersey w/Bertha. We went to Gille park for our Saturday beat down.
Nonexistent, because Bertha doesn't need warming up
The Thang:
Bertha starts off
Mosey 1 mile lap
5 rounds of the Murph 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats
10 burpees OYO
20 incline merkins OYO
20 decline merkins OYO
20 Freddy Mercury's IC
20 low dolly's IC
10 burpees OYO
Mosey to the roller hockey rink and make our way to the center line for a face off
20 merkins OYO
20 Squats OYO
Run to the red line and try to save icing mosey back
20 Jane Fonda's each leg IC
20 Squats OYO
Run to the other red line and try to save icing mosey back
15 Fire hydrants each leg IC
20 merkins OYO
20 Flutter kicks IC
side shuffle to the blue line and back to the opposite far red line
20 step ups each leg OYO in the penalty box
20 Merkins OYO
20 Leg lifts on my count
Side shuffle to the other blue line and back to the opposite far red line
make our way back to the start
There was a lot of 2nd F before and after this workout for about 24 hrs on each side
We got the history of a great butcher shop in Jersey. Not sure that needs to be shared.
Bertha can't go anywhere without doing some burpees and at least a 1/4 of a Murph.
We maybe should have joined the Zumba class instead of the beatdown. It was humid.
Bertha has stepped up his game this year after his whole 30 in February. Good work
Thank you Bertha for pushing me during this workout and making me better. We will be planting an F3 AO at Gille Park. Who is in for another road trip?