Roadie Knows Math

9 braved the Mathnasium/Kumon challenge of adding up 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1.

Now, we all know it would be impossible for a normal human to add that up.  But Roadie is no normal human!  You might say he’s SUPER-human.  He tallied the number to 55 instantly, and after some complex computer and calculator figuring, YHC has determined that he was right.  HE WAS RIGHT! Now, this is the guy that has a license plate explaining the theory of relativity, (or at least the formula for calculating force), so who’s surprised by his arithmetic prowess?  No one, that’s who. Anyhow…

We did our patriotic pledge, moseyed down to the bottom of the big retaining wall for our warm-o-rama, and then moseyed around to grab a rock from Westmoreland Road.  We carried our new coupons to the top of the park entry for the following little ladder:

At the top: 10 ea- ‘Mericans, curls, shoulder press, bent over row, squats

Run to the bottom for 1 Burpee

Run to the top for 9 ea (same) run to the bottom for 2 Burpees.

Run to the top for 8 and 3, 7 and 4… you get it, right?

We had to hustle the rocks back to make it to COT in time for Recover X 2.

 Naked and quick moleskin:

1. Primo felt the need to work out before the workout.  But he’s a badass, so we’re not surprised.

2. Jazz Hands was deprived of an opportunity to let out his inner pigeon today.  Sorry! We’re hoping he found relief later on his own.

3. Hat Trick proudly noted at coffee that he indeed performed all 55 burpees, while admitting he’d considered changing tack.

4.  Continued prayers for Toby and his family!

5. Thanks for the opportunity to Q, Master Qs.
