Rock Movement Variation Pleasure

Event Date

May 24, 2018


Add Nacho Libre to pax not on site.

6 Men took on Thursday gloom w mix rocks, pullups & burpees.  68 temp & 89% humid turn on sweat buckets.

Mosey round one short loop waiting for Red Oct & Nacho Libre to put the rucks down & warmup.


SSH x 25 IC Toy Soldier x 15 IC Windmill x 10 IC Mericans x 10 IC Slow Deep Squat x 10 IC

Grab a Friendly Challenging rock for travel and Pain.

Here We Go !

The Thang:

1 – Walking with your rock buddy right down the middle of the 4 grass islands doing AMRAP shoulder presses.  Once passing each grass section, stop & do Mericans x 10 single count OYO.  Once completing 10, move forward with shoulder presses & repeato after each grass section (40 total).

2 – Stop after section #4.  One new Fav came across by accident.

Start with 3 Burpees, then 15 SSH single count, doing 3 total sets.  Cardio has arrived !

Mosey one short lot loop with all pax ending back at Pull Up bars.  Partner up with size matters.

3 – Pullups x 5 OYO.  If need partner assistance or not for good, clean ones.  Then Chinups x 5 OYO.

4 – Back to the Rocks medley.  Walking back toward the cars over 4 islands, repeato #1 now with my Fav exercise, The Curl AMRAP stopping after each grass section for 15 Squats OYO.   Once completing 15, move forward with curls & repeato after each grass section (60 total).

5 – Repeato #2 with SSBurpeeHops or something cool like that.

6 – Repeato #1 replacing with Skull Crushers AMRAP, & 20 LBCs OYO each stop (80 total).  Leave rocks & short loop lot mosey back around to pull up bars.

7 –  Repeato #3 – Pullups x 5 OYO.  If need partner assistance or not for good, clean ones.  Then Chinups x 5 OYO.

One last rock journey back to the Curl with beach and pool season here in sunny LKN, NC !  After each section 3 Jump-Tuck Burpees.

Rocks back……RU too good for your home !

MARY: pass the buck

YHC – Mason Twist

66 – The Bart – Homer to Marge mix

Hoodie – Low Flutter

Red October – WWII situps

Limburger – 

Nacho Libre – 1 min elbow plank

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Limberger for allowing me to Q Samson !  Was long overdue for me to hit this power AO.  Even with the A-frame monkey bars moved to Arnies AO, LFC still kicks pax butt.  During Namorama just realized what a large mammal you are !  Holy Moly.  Stay on his good side please.

2 – 66 grabbed the reigns of this beatdown and never gave up the lead.  Crushed the rock medley variations by far the winner.  No surprise he's got all the 1st F tools.  Stud !

3 – Good to meet Nacho Libre and see Hoodie for 2nd time.  Gave Nacho my copy of Freed to Lead for some great flow of wisdom from the Powerhouse Duo Founders.

Thanks to the Men of F3 for your encouragement !  Just remember, if I look unhappy it's probably just my morning scowl.  Poor 2.1 has it too.  As soon as you speak to me, it will go away !

Meaning of Life: Form as many positive relationships as you can and everything else is just a bonus.

Mayhem (in the AM)