Rock of Ages

Event Date

Jul 24, 2024

YHC came out of semi-retirement (or really sprinkler duty went away due to the rain and vaca is over :-()

1 (second) warning


Lets go!


SSH (IC) x 20

Abe Vigodas (IC) x 10

Dippy Birds (IC) x 5 each leg

Copperhead squats (IC) x 10

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 10

Arm circles (little forward, backwards, and OH clap IC) x 10…(big forward, backwards, seal clap IC) x 5

#22 Merkins OYO

Indian run around parking lot

Grab a rock and head to the hill


Inspired by some fun No mercy Uno last night YHC decided to have some card game fun

All PAX grab a card, we use the winner’s age as the rep count (rounds and ages may or may not be accurate).  You can only win one round so everyone kinda had an idea of reps remaining.  Run to top of parking lot after each round

Round 1 – Sparrow = 78 Curls

Round 2 – Crabby Patty = 35 Squats

Round 3 – Iron Horse = 5? LBCs with rock

Round 4 – Hefty 47 prone rock presses

Round 5 – Travolta = 56 rock lunges

Round 6 – C# = 49 American Hammer with rock

Round 7 – Sonar = 57 OH presses..with only one left YHC advised the last round would be rock burpees

Round 8 – Dutch Boy = YHC changed it up and used the card pulled as rep count so 3 rock burpees it was

Return yo rock, and back to launchpad


E2K (IC) each side x 10

Flow Lutters (IC) x 10

Low Dollys (IC) x 10

Jane Fondas (IC) each side x 10

45 seconds low plank

Recover Recover


Romans 7:24-25

“What a wretched man I am!  Who will rescue me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!”

We are mortal.  We are flawed.  But, we have grace.

Count – a – rama

Name – a – rama

Prayer out – prayers for Sparrow’s sister Paula, Travolta’s daughter and SIL, and any unspoken


-Happy Tequila Day!  Everyone go see Shaker tonight!

-Welcome Dutch Boy, who does not like his suggested nickname abbreviation

-Sparrow thought the rep count was too low so had two rocks by the end.

-Crabby Patty was already recruiting Dutch Boy to the run club but he said he liked having arms

-Travolta gets credit for getting YHC for a recent check in <3

-Iron horse was given dieting advise to where he would not need the weight vest for workouts

-Sonar was humble bragging about how consistent he’s been for 10+ years now

-C# punches puppies apparently


Always a pleasure to lead and be led by you fine men.
