Rock on you Bloody Pukes at Dragonslayer of GCC & one bad Hammy incident !

13 at Dragonslayer hit the heat & humidity with a T-Bone vehicle strike like on The Hangover.  Time to Get Out of the Car !

62 temp & 85% humidity grabbed U hard & grabbed U quick, repeato.  Yikes !

Mosey around GCC mixing variations of side straddles, karaoca, quadre-feelya, and regular run training stopping at the United States of America flag for our Pledge of Allegiance !  Best Country Ever.  Olympics get me so Fired up !  65 mph on Skis –  Man !

Ye Warmorama:

Windmill x 12 IC (pax really hates not doing SSH first.  Throws the ying/yang all out of whack), IST x 12 IC, Toy Soldier x 12 IC, Mericans x 12 IC, Iron Man Squats x 12 IC, & yes theeee SSH x 24 IC.

Mosey to one best remaining rock piles of LKN AOs.  Think guys may be stealing, sorry borrowing, rocks to do curls during the Olympics.  Can't be just yhc.

Choose a Challenging travel rock, because we gonna travel eventually.  For now Stay…… Stay.

Circle up:

Curls x 10 IC, move 2 rocks to left, Goblet Squats x 10 IC, move 2 rocks to left, Skull Crushers x 10 IC

Travel with your little buddy over the river and thru the grass to the baseball field we go to conveniently line up facing the 4 ft fence with YHC at the end cap.  YHC verify all hands have gloves.

Rock Thruster / Fence Power Over & Backs:

1-  Over the fence and back x 10 OYO (guys are staring a hole in my temple regions with early displeasure).  Really be fun !

2 – Rock Thruster by goblet squatting, then explode throwing your Giant Rock over the fence, over to get her, Repeato x 10.  Lots of energy expended on this one !

Leave rocks next to fence just in case………

Mosey to Double Secret Tire location:

Tires out in road, 6 pax one line, 7 pax other facing toward entrance.

2 tire flips, 5 Burpees, back of the line, Repeato, for about 4-5 sets downhill, aud naseum (or nausea )  yhc thinking about it, Hmmm to next light pole.  Might as well have been distance to Russia !  This isn't Russia, Danny ?  Is this Russia ? No Mr Webb….

Flap Jack Arse back to start, 2 tire flips, 10 Burpees, for about 3-4 sets each uphill.

Tires back home.  Are you too good for your home ?  Go home, Happy !

Mosey back to fence, some grumbling, Q name calling possible, Spearhead ruckers did not look happy we were on "their" field so we moved it along.


Curls x 12 IC, Fence Jump x 6 OYO, Goblet Squat x 10 IC

Mosey back to release the Rock Buddy, then mosey to front of GCC for start of MARY.  6:08 & MQ Bam Bam said "U aint got no 7 minutes of MARY in ya "  or something like that in a Western cowboy voice.

PAX Choice – 10 Jump Tuck Burpees (sucky) or 20 – 8 Count Body Builders

10 Jump Tuck Burpees, then lap together around GCC, then……

OH NO, not NOW, not HIM…… Firestone grabbed his hamstring heading under the chained gate.  All pax stopped to assist, not good.

Pax moved back to front after initial triage with The Geek & Bam Bam busting some MARY while Bunyan & YHC got Firestone into the car, bad.

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Bam Bam for allowing me to Q at Dragonslayer of GCC !  This AO should be 1.5 hr Beatdown.  YHC had about 5 other things wanted to try.

2 – First time completely Freestyling the Q.  Had a whole other Beating all packed in the Sweat Hopper !  Felt good to just open her up & let it rip.  The compulsive Wienke planner was at Bay for now.

3 – Qbert taught us all the correct way to Mumblechatter with topics including guestimating GCC tires weighing about 275, his sweet USA vintage flag tank top, flipping other tires in his past life of 400-500.  Yikes, Batman !  Someone pulled his Kitty Carial doll string for sure.

4 – Four man clown car including Bam Bam, Flo, Bunyan, and Vinegar Bend.  They majored in marketing baby… they came to Play !

5 – Heal up brother, Firestone !  Hate to see anyone go down.  Stupid chained fence.  U were only keeping out our Dreams !

6 –  Finally, hilarious, Firestone leads me to a Beige Toyota Camry for sure Master Po's, but Master Po nowhere to be found as Firestone tries to move, stretch, or anything without Merlo coming to fruition.  Master Po was over in his Chevy Impala waiting for Firestone.  No urgency whatsover.  Be interesting to see this played back in their minds at same time when F is healthy again.  Fisticuffs anyone ?

Love you guys !  Don't let that FartSack grab onto you and Shake you like a Dog ! – Monsters Inc

MAYHEM (in the AM)  Kick Ass Gloom ! Phew.

