ROCK PARTY @ Fallout!!!

A bunch of brave men came out to party with rocks on this great morning.  I hope I was able to make you burn, but by the look of some of you in the middle of it, you all need some work. JK..  The heckling was on par for any normal morning with the F3 group, thats what really makes me come out each time.   not really..  BTW, im missing someone on this tag so feel free to tag away.  So here we go…  

Warm up- 
Mozie with charoqies, high knees, buttkickers
SSH – 20x (Side Straddle Hops)
IST – 20x (Imperial storm troopers)
LOW Mountain climbers – 20x
Cherry Pickers – 66 special

Block stations – Buddy up 
½ group leg workouts
Single leg reach w/block – 10x each leg
Rock hops 20x
Prowler crawl – push the rock
½ group Sprinted Mtn Climbers – 

½ group shoulderchest workout
Block swing – 20x
Burpee with block press – 10x
Drive the rock – chair position
½ group sprinted 3 Hills

½ Group workout
Turkish get up x10
Squat curl x 10
skull crusher x15
Sprint 50 yds bear crawl 20 yds x3


Circle Up – 
Flutter kicks x20
Homer to Marge x15
Modify LBC – This deserved a name change, new name " Get your shoulders off the ground you BUM!!" x15

Sorry guys I've never been much of a molskin person or reflecting back on the good times we have at 5:30 in the morning.  Im not much of a writer either.  Id rather be making good times in my bed but we gotta get these old bones moving so I get to spend these special times with you knuckleheads.  One day i'll learn the proper lingo again that I learned in the Army so I can bring it to the good times we get to spend together at 5:30.  But till then this is what you get, Now get to work you BUMs!!!!

Lawn Dart OUT!!!