Rock Stack Geek Beatdown

Event Date

Jan 09, 2016



SSH, IST, Cotton Pickers, Merkins, Toy Soldiers


Run to Playground – 10 pull-ups / 20 Dips / 30 Squats (3X)

Run path to track – run to rock pile for partner throw downs  (20 each)

5 Station Stack Workout (courtesy of my friends of F3Lexington for this idea),. Total length is football field

Home Base: 10 Carolina Drydocks

Station 1: 20 Leg Lunges (10 each leg)

Station 2: 20 Curls

Station 3: 20 Merkins

Station 4: 20 Squats

Station 5: 10 Burpees

**Start at Home base, go to first station do exercise, return to home base. Each time you walk to each station or to home base you carry the rock over your head.  Then go back to station one, then to station 2, then back to 1, then back to home base.  You see the pattern – each station exercise performed.  It goes like this:

HB-1-HB, HB-1-2-1-HB, HB-1-2-3-2-1-HB, HB-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-HB, HB-1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1-HB

Run back to upper Field for a game of Frisbee toss – partner one throws all the way to end of field, while partner 2 does Merkins- then switch

Just enough time for 6 minutes of Mary – Tribute to Arnies Army (Callahan) for the Grandma exercise)



Pax knew it would be tough but chose to get the beat down that would last through the weekend.

Several BS calls with the stations for sure.  Titan was quick to call several, especially when carrying the rock with arms straight out to the station workout area.  The best is when Boar Hog got to the last station when no one knew what it was – and Burpees began and the BS calls could be heard for miles.

Form police was out in full force, even with Boar Hog not getting the palms up/palms down during grandma.

Pax stayed quiet through stations for the most part as did I – but if they wanted an easy workout they would have gone to St Marks for an easy stroll with Soprano.

Some Pax kept talking about some Blowout Kachow had on his pants from the pile of mud he must have sat in.

Billy Club was making cracks at Nitestick's wife…wait that's his own mom. Guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree huh Nitestick?

Boar Hog didn't give too much details about the roast but said there are some Pax that have missed their true calling as comedians for sure. Well Boar Hog, thanks for showing even after a late night.  Others made excuses that they stayed out too late and too tired to come out (Kid Rock) but not really naming any names.