Rock Your Abdominals and Run Baby Run

15 Warriors of the Gloom descended on the lower lot at the Jetton Harris Teeter to get back to some whole body labor after the holiday weekend. They did not leave disappointed.


The Thang:

Mosey up 1 lot

SSH X 20

Cotton Pickers X 10

IST X 15

Windmills X 10

Mosey to the rock pile near the fire station and choose your instrument

2 sets of the following exercises with 100 yard runs in between each exercise (2 groups,different directions, alternating direction depending if you were doing rocks or abdominals) 1st set 10 reps, 2nd set 20 reps

Rock Squats

Rock Bent-over rows

Rock Curls

Rock Shoulder Press

Rock Skull Crushers


Low Flutters

Low Dollys




Touch 'dem heels


Once 2 rounds completed, mosey to the guard rail

Derkins X 10

Dips X 10

Mosey to the fire station for Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the launch

Pretzel Crunch X 15 each side

Homer to Marge X 5 

Crunchy Frog X 10


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Thanks for taking us out in prayer this morning Fenway, grateful for your recovery and all the pax wishes you good health so we can see you at workouts for years to come

2) Also grateful Hat Trick's son Logan escaped the head on collision with the Can Am Spider with only a hand laceration, Thanks Be to God.

3) Welcome to FNG Dave McEwan (spelling?) – you have a great EHer in CherryBomb, come on back out and we will give you a cool nickname, you might even like it

4) As mentioned at coffeeteria, I have a nearly new Futon free to a good home if you or one of your near adult children need it for their apartment, local delivery included.

5) Great to have both Hat Trick and Free Pass back at the workout, Moses and WaffleHouse as well. but having those last 2 back at a non-Horseshoe is not that unusual. Will they show in 2 weeks is the ???

6) Fission relocation to Antiquity Harris Teeter Thursday

7) 9/11 Ruck from Cornelius Fire Department #1 on 115 departs Friday, 4 AM. 9.11 miles. done by 7 AM. Hit up Gnarly Goat for any more details.

As always, an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!

