Rocket Burpees

plus Filmore.

11 Pax took a chance and wondering what a Rocket burpee was.  But the workout took off promptly at 5:30am.  Skipping the warm-ups.  Yes there was a little grumbling and anxiety of not following protocol.  But we jumped right into the Rocket Burpees which were better described as suicide run burpees. 

While running a suicide at each island in the parking lot at each turnaround the Pax performed 1 burpee.

Once the Rocket Burpees were completed we did 10 full range (or as close as possible) pull-ups.

The burpees were not done yet.

Mosied over to the rock pile at the front entrance and gathered some "healthy" rocks.

Did a double ladder.  Bear Crawl, 10 burpees, crabwalk 1 chest press, bear crawl 9 burpees, crabwalk 2 chest presses  Continue until the ladder flips to 1 burpee and 10 chest presses

Then we did the standard rotation of rock excercises (curls, shoulder press and skull crushers)

Mosied some more and circled up to a Merkin time bomb – 10 count.   Alot of grumbling on that one especially after the rubber arms were in full affect after the ladder.

Mosied to people's chair and balls to the wall

Added some box jumps and dips with a repeato

Pax thought we were headed to the Mary circle but again broke protocol and did 4 sprints in succession plus 1 final burpee.

Held the plank for the final minute.  Done