Rockin Around the Roundabout !

No Fry changed to Zaire not on website.

11 Strong hit the Wilderness for some cool air and even cooler beatdown.  37 temp and 75% humidity still got the sweat glands flexing.  Here is how we rolled.

Mosey down Hugh Torrance to stop sign for Warmorama.


Windmill, Toy Soldier, Slow Squat, IST, SSH

Mosey to rock pile to grab a friend & mosey to roundabout

Round 1

Curls, Mericans, Squats with rock, then lunge walk to the 3rd tree of roundabout, then loop it back to start

Round 2

Skull Crushers, Scorpion DD, Alt Front Lunge, then lunge walk with air press to 3rd tree, loop it back

Round 3

Bent Over Row, Diamond Merican, Alt Side Lunge, bear crawl to 3rd tree

Round 4

Shoulder Press, Carolina DD, Squats, lunge walk with air press to 3rd tree, loop it back

Rocks back & mosey back to playground with pax.

Picnic tables – 

Dips, Incline Mericans, repeato

Mosey to parking lot for MARY thinking had 5 min left.  Dang 5:10 to 5:55.  Thanks Jorel !

So really 10-11 min of MARY.  Aye we all need some.


YHC- LBC, Rosalita, Dying Cockroach, Low Flutter, Mason Twist

Snake Eyes – Shoulder Touch Mericans (Awful)

Dallas – Low Flutter

Hall Monitor – Plank

YHC – Peter Parker

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to The Force for allowing me to Q at The Wilderness !  Great AO and getting new b-ball court.  Thanks for the heads up.  YHC weinke could have been all b-ball stuff – Ha.

2 – Only 2nd time to Q at The Wilderness and always great to see regulars like Ultraman, Snake Eyes, and Jorel.

3 – Lots of Mumblechatter with Dallas, Calypso & Hall Monitor.  They must have covered several topics cause it was continuous.  Dallas soon remembered the Merican.  Good to see them outside running workout.

4 – Cool checking out Calypso's Tesla at the end.  Silent and sharp !

Thanks to all the Men of F3 that keep me going even when I want to FS.  Once I get there, I remember quickly why I came !

Mayhem (in the AM)