Rocking the Upper Body and Legs

This was a veteran crew, one that knew what to expect during a post Superbowl outing in the the grind of a Monday morning.  Their expectations were met, mostly, and with only one or two mishaps, like the lack of counting the cadence for the progressive jump squats and missing the FIRST set of Rock Merkins…..but we are losing focus here;-/

Warm-Ups- Mozy to back of Church, COP- (IC) Toy Soldiers 10, Hairy Rockettes 5, SSH's 15, CDD's 10, SDS 10, Wide Grip Merkins 10, IST's 10.  Mozy back to AO, Preacher Chair along the church wall.  

The Thang: Grab a rock, line up at the bottom of the small hill, throw rock in military press fashion up the hill, bear crawl to your rock (unless it was rolling back towards you).  Rinse and repeat until the rock was on TOP of the hill near the curb.  10 squats with rock.  Return to bottom of hill with rock, 10 rock Merkins (missed this one, so 10 were added to the 2nd set. Repeato with 8 , 6, 4, 2, each time throwing rock, bear crawling, squats up top, rock merkins on the bottom, and plank to wait for the Six.  Return to the Preacher's chair on the church wall.

Mozy to the Portico.  Progressive Jump Squats (PJS) 12 IC and Peter Parkers on the Wall 10 IC, Repeato x2.  Mozy to opposite side of church from AO.  Side Hops, 2 feet, 20 touches each side, Russian Twists 10,8,7 (slower Masons with hands TOUCHING the ground side to side).  Repeato x2.  Ventral hops, both feet, 20 touches each side with High Knee Stepovers 10 each side.  Repeato x2.  Mozy to Pavilion.  Dips IC 10 with Single Leg side to side hops, 20 touches each side.  Repeato x2.  Preacher's chair to coalesce the group.  Mozy back to AO for…

Mary: IC- W's 15, Low Flutter 15.  Elbow Plank into Mac Target's 15.  Recover, recover.


-The 'rock throw', great on paper, but we were lucky to emerge outta that exercise without some teeth missing.  The 'steeper' part of the hill, was also near some graves.  SO, we moved that lot over to the shallower part of the hill, which worked much better (but 'some' dings in the grass was noted from the rock tossing).

-The PAX negleted to count the first set of Progressive Jump Squats….so a little 'cadence lesson' was implemented, it worked well, as cadence was NEVER a problem after that.

-Chief can be a bit ornery at times, but he always does the reps, and amuses the PAX while doing so.

-Lear is amazingly 'into' the plyometrics, incredible for a man in his early 70's.  On that note…

-War Daddy- Lear, War Baby- Goodell.

-Great to see BFO back in the fold.  He's an awesome dude and F3RCUSA is lucky to have him out there.  

-London Whale, sportingly, texted the PAX that he'd be late with the flag.  As YHC is OFTEN late to workouts, other than  mentioning it, and maybe suggesting getting up a few minutes earlier, driving faster, and not 'hitting it so hard' during Superbowl games, YHC will not say a word.

-Shambala….consistant, ready, willing, and able…..always doing the reps….impressive!

-Brushless was quiet today….no comment.

-Thanks for the keys Gepetto, your AO has some nice curves, IN & UNdulations, splendid auxiliaries, and that heavenly provided pavilion.  PAX, grab the keys to this AO and give her a whirl….a fun ride!
