Rocks – 2020 Annual 2.0 Workout

46 PAX and 2.0's Showed up for our Annual 2.0 Workout!  
Full Roll Call video will be on the DenverF3 facebook page.

I put in the max 5 FNG placeholders to get the numbers closer to the actual 46 in attendance, but these are the ones no in the system:
2.0 "Rusty"
2.0 "NEHI"
2.0 Newly named "Pinball" Ding Ding Ding
2.0 Benny
2.0 Lydia
2.0 Maggie
2.0 "Pick Axe"
2.0 Brook
2.0 Jordan
2.0 Charlotte
2.0 Eleanor
2.0 Vivian
2.0 Newly named "Hendricks"
2.0 "Pikachu"
2.0 "Squirrel"
2.0 "Socrates"
2.0 "Rikky Bobby"
2.0 "Dabo Bunny"
2.0 "Freestyle"
2.0 Rahmi
2.0 Newly named "Squirtle"

Whew, that took a little bit of work to get that on paper!

Now here is what went down:

Get Organized: Q randomly divides pax into 3 teams.  Each PAX is given a color rubber band to mark their team.  Each team also gets a bucket of gravel rocks, given to the team leader of each color.

Give Disclaimer: Work hard, but be safe, ask for help if you need it! Participating at your own risk.

We are not required to wear a mask if we are strenuously exercising, so if you going to be standing around, get a mask!  Otherwise let’s keep our distance and get to it.

Give Rules: #1 Have fun.  #2 No Cheating  #3 Keep your distance as much as you can.

Warm up: (select two members from each team to the center) Dump rocks out of bucket.  Everyone does the warmup exercise until all rocks are put back in the bucket.  Stop when the first team has picked up all their rocks.  That team “wins” that exercise.
Merkins – rocks by the hand full; select new representatives and repeat for next exercise
Windmills – rocks by the handful, one hand only; select new representatives and repeat for next exercise
Side Stradel Hops (Jumping Jacks) – one hand behind back, and one hand only
Mosey to the concrete steps for our first event.

First Event:

Rock pile relocation (up bleachers).  Pile of gravel at the bottom, take one handful of rock at a time up the stairs and put in bucket. (You can choose to step up or hop up).  First team with all rocks in their bucket at the top, and all team members at the top, “wins”.

Second Round, same as the first; however, you must complete 1 burpee before you can pick up the rocks.

Collect all rocks back in buckets and mosey on to the brick pile.  If you want to run faster, go the long way around the track (2/3), otherwise run the shorter way (1/3).

Second event:

Brick Work – Each team gets one (or two) bricks each, then circle up into 3 circles around your rock bucket.

Right arm kickbacks – Q says GO, and everyone starts to do kick backs with 1 brick, while one person, starting with the team leader, runs in to the bucket of rocks, touch with toe and back to position.  The next person goes, until everyone has run in and out.  Once everyone on your time has completed, the whole team must put all blocks on the ground and yell out their team color.  First ones done win.

Left arm kickbacks – Same as above, but left arm.

Curls – same concept as above, but this time you do curls (1 or 2 bricks) and instead of running in, you run around your circle and back to your spot, then the next person goes.

Return bricks, grab our rocks and mosey to the parking lot hill.

Third Event:

Dump rocks on the bottom line of the parking lot and place bucket at next line up the hill. 

Each time up you take one handful of rocks and put it in the bucket.  First team to fill their bucket and have the whole team at top line wins. 

Round two, same, but buckets are moved up to second line of the parking lot, and you must do 5 merkins before each handful of rocks.

Forth Event:

Rock Squats – Each person gets 2 rocks from your team bucket, and circle up in a huge circle in parking lot. 

When Q yells GO everyone will get into a squat hold position with a rock on the middle of each thigh.  When a rock falls off or you give up, you are out.  You must then do sit ups until there is one person remaining or the Q calls time.  We had about 4-5 PAX who were still going strong, looked like they could hold this all day so Q had to call time and deem them all squat champions. 

Then we all do 10 squats in cadence to finish out our legs. 

Fifth Event:

Water Relay

Finally!!  Everyone was eyeballing the coolers and bowls setup on the practice field.  The kids must have known I had some sort of water relay as they got ready for this one fast! 
Each team has a water source, and an empty bucket about 20 yards apart.  You fill your cup with water and run while carrying the cup over your head.  Dumping whatever water you have remaining into you teams empty bucket.  First team with a full bucket wins.  Members of each team that wish to get wet circle up and team leaders dump the water upon you.  Resetting the game for a second round.

Second Round: This time the team lead takes a nail and punches a hole in the bottom center of everyone’s cup.  Same as first round, now you just have a leaky cup and will need to run faster.  You cannot cover the hole in your cup!


Today, I used Rocks and competition, to distract you from the exercise you were actually doing.  Trying to distract you from working out, and put your focus on the rocks and on winning.

Now I want you think of that rock as Jesus.  In the bible He is often referred to as The Rock, or Cornerstone.  We want to stay focused on him no matter what life throws at us.  He should be what our lives are built upon. 

Jesus did most of his teaching in the form of parables, or stories.  Here is a short piece of one of his lessons:

Matthew 7: 24-25 says:

24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 

Let Jesus be your rock!

8:00-9:15 = Coffeteria after at My Brothers Bagel.

9:30-10:30ish = Yard clean up for Susan, wife of JR who recently passed.  About 15 PAX swamed the yard and knocked out some serious yardwork trimming, grass cutting, weed eating, leaf blowing, weed pulling, and left with a trailer full of yard waste and one removed tree.  Thanks to all who coordinated, participated, or had any hand in helping.  z


  • Thanks to my M Denise for snapping some pics and helping out.
  • There is so much that can be said about todays workout, but I will leave the comments up to you guys.  I always appreciate a good turn out, but 46 was AWESOME!
  • Check facebook for the roll call video and photos.
  • Rocks happened, bricks happened, water happened.

My Pleasure to lead today.  Thank you for the privilege.  
