Rocks and Blocks

Event Date

Aug 19, 2021


What a coincidence, my birthday showed up on on Thursday and met up with a classic #samson beatdown.  8 warriors joined me to celebrate.  Gambini and Danke Schoen were there but I cant find them on the website.  Sign up soon boys!!!  Here is how we celebrated:

Grab a Rock!!

Combination of Zamporini, Bear Crawl, and Crabwalk with rock to top of parking lot with some Warmorama along the way (IST: TS; LS; WM)

Grab a Block!!!

Line up along the hedge (Samson Suicide Style) with your rock and block.  Get a partner (thank goodness 66 showed up a tad late for even numbers!!!)

Partner 1: Farmers Carry both blocks to first island; Partner 2: AMRAP Curls with your rock.  Flap Jack

10 Merkins IC; 10 LBC IC

Partner 1: Farmers Carry both blocks to second island; Partner 2: AMRAP Skullcrushers with your rock. Flap Jack

8 Merkins IC; 10 LBC IC

Partner 1: Farmers Carry both blocks to third island; Partner 2: AMRAP Shoulder Press with your rock. Flap Jack

6 Merkins IC; 10 LBC

Now, lets put it all together:

One partner Farmers Carry (Suicide Style) back and forth to first, second, third island while other partner performs AMRAP 6 count body builder.  Partners switched roles each time back to the start line.  This one looked way better on paper…..or at least in my mind!!!

Lets put these blasted blocks back!!!

Working our way back to the launch point we Zamporini 40 yards and stop for 10 squats with your block IC; 10 Shoulder Press; and 20 Low Flutter IC…..did that 3 times and then added some work on the wall before heading undercover for 10 Decline Merkins IC; 10 Step Ups with the block; 10 Incline Merkins IC.

Return to Launch Point Zamporini Style…..return rocks…..


10 Dying Cockroach IC; 10 Box Cutter IC……Recover Recover!!


Turnpike: its like you know what i am going to say before i say it……this guy crushed it and was a solo standard runner if i am not mistaken….keep killin it bro!!

Snake Eyes: masterful at the COT and a beast in the workout

Bob Ross: always good to see this guy out busting butt and taking names!!!!

Jimmy O: dont cross paths often but always glad to run into you…….i was not offended by all the talk about me being too tough on you guys!!!!!  you quietly killed it bro!!!

66: this guys dog is incredibly friendly (like his owner)……awesome work today and great job getting the Bradley Middle School Beautification under way!!!!!

Danke Schoen: THANK YOU VERY MUCH for attending and crushing the workout!!!!  Get on the website my man!!!!

Gambini: you made the workout look easy partner……well done…..Get on the website so we can prop you up!!!

It was great to be back out to F3 as I have been on the IR for about a month now with a calf strain that just seems to be hanging around.  In any case, could not let my #samson brothers down (especially on my birthday).  It was GREAT to get out again and be around the PAX.  As I mentioned to Snake Eyes and Bob Ross after COT…..riding our Peloton during my IR has been good but no match for the friendship and camaraderie that is F3……still the best way ever to start your day!!!

Until next time!
