Rocks and Ladders


8 men, plus 1 straggler showed for a cool morning at Hollywood


Mosey to old AO launch point and circle up

SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Longsnappers, Windmill all IC

Line up on wall 
People's chair + air presses
Run to median, do 15 Incline Mericans
Run back do 15 Decline Mericans

People's chair + air presses
Quadrophila half way, flip and run to Median for 30 Rocky Balboas
Run back to start for 15 Decline mericans
Mosey to Greenway for 11's

1 Jump squat at top, run down to bottom of hill for 10 Mericans.  Add one Jump squat, drop one merican for each round

Mosey to rockpile and pick a good one

10 full curls
10 Low curls
10 High curls
10 Skull Crushers
Move 1 rock to the right
10 full curls, put rocks back

Mosey to the fountain
10 Plank Jacks IC
Mosey to launch point

Got back right at 6:15, so Recover, recover

Good group this morning. Thanks to all that posted, and to Goodlife for the opportunity to take the Q.  Not much mumblechatter during workout, but the PAX gave Deep Dish plenty of grief afterward.  Sounds like he needs some work on his Q skills… 🙂

Nacho Libre joined us at the end of his run and for coffeteria afterward.

Little Professor