Rocks & Legal Use of Grass for Fission

Not on website: Clausen, Bed Bug, Slim Jim, Foley, FNG – Max Levenger

24 Rock Lobsters made use of legal grass to start their Thurs gloom off right !  71 temp & about 100% humidity.  Summer in NC.  Turn off the oven !  This is what happened.

Mosey to Oakhurst Blvd / Bailey Rd intersection where the circle became road side to side for pax versus vehicle safety.


Toy Soldier x 15 IC, Windmill x 10 IC, IST x 12 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, SSH x 20 IC

The Thang;

Mosey to Sled Hill for Rock Pleasure.  Grab yourself a traveling rock.

Bottom of hill – 20 Curls, travel with rock to top sidewalk, 5 Burpees, back down with rock, 20 Curls, travel with rock over creek & up other grass hill to third peak, 20 Squats (with or without rock – pax choice), back down to plank for six.

Note: Pax has a choice to Zamporini heading up & down from sidewalk or other side

Bottom of Hill – 20 Skull Crushers, rock to top, 10 Burpees, rock to bottom, 20 Skull Crushers, rock to other peak, 25 Squats, back down to plank for six.

Bottom of Hill – 20 Shoulder Press, rock to top, 15 Burpees, rock to bottom, 20 Shoulder Press, rock to other peak, 30 Squats, back down to plank for six.

Rocks back, mosey to Oakhurst Pavilion grass.

Partner Push / Pull

Partner up with size matters –

Partner A pushes slightly uphill thru grass while Partner B resists, Flip Flop at top sidewalk back down

Partner A pulls as Partner B resists, Flip Flop at top sidewalk back down

Time she's a ticking – Mosey to Bars on Bailey Rd


Dips x 15 IC

Australian Chinups x 15 IC

Mosey back to parking lot

MARY – Rosalita x 25 IC

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin;

1 – Thanks to Hippie for allowing me to Q good group of F3ers as Fission. Crazy humid this gloom !  Summer is here.

2 – Moses, Gnarly Goat, & Easy were crushing the Mini-WIBs on Sled Hill.  Not phased by moving rocks, weather, or wet grass.  Got kinda quiet for a bit.  Think the Wienke plan was working.

3 – Moses, The Geek, & Hippie hit the Standard run before Fission.  Strong !

4 – F3 Dads at Bailey Rd Park this Sat with Olive & Etch-A-Sketch on the Q

Thanks to all who came out today !  Truly a Strong start to the day !

Mayhem (in the AM)