Rocks, Running, and a Twist on Mary @ The Foundry

Good morning, Good morning. 

It was a lovely 62 degrees when 12 grown men decided to meet in a church parking lot on a Friday morning.

0530 Let's go

Snake through the parking lot — high knees — butt kickers

Circle Up

Disclaimer Given

25 Side-straddle hops

15 Imperial Storm Troopers

10 Cotton Pickers

10 Toy Soldiers 

Arm circles: front and back

5 Burpies OYO

The Thang:

Grab rocks. These will be yuor 

Mini Tuck-ado 

10 Curls

Run closest lap

10 Curls + Overhead Press

Run around 2nd parking lot row

10 Curls + Overhead Press + Skull Crushers

Run around 3rd parking lot row

10 Curls + Overhead Press + Sull Crushers + Low Row 

Run around 4th parking lot row

10 Curls + Overhead Press + Sull Crushers + Low Row + Goblet Squats

Run around 5th parking lot row (full parking lot)

Rocks back

Head to the wall 

People's Chair

20 Air Press

20 WWII Sit ups

People's Chair 

20 Air Press – Thanks Vinegar for Cadence 

20 WWII Sit ups

Mosey to the curb

10 Rocky Balboa Burpies 

Mosey the full parking lot lap back to the cars


Turned to Pax for some Mary exercises. 

Things got fun when it was Caboose's turn. 

He choose a Carolina Drydock/LBC ladder. 

Start with 5 LBCs run to other end of parking lot do 15 CDDs, repeato dropping/adding 5 until swapped

It did succeed with filling the final 5 minutes. 

So while not traditional it worked. 

20 Seconds of Plank 



1. Thank you Qbert for allowing me to take the Q at the Foundry. Your are a beast and push us all to be better. 

2. Thank you for the support of the Pax to send us into the weekend with a strong showing. 

3. Thank you F3 for continuing to bring me closer to my brothers in the Gloom, and find the voice to lead these men. 

See you out there my friends. 
