Rocky Rescue Project

Ten men converged on Rescue Park for a Rocky Training Montage and park construction project.




20IC Mountain Climbers

20IC Imperial Squat Walkers

10IC Merkin


Rocky Rescue Project Phase 1 – training

Loop (1/2 mile running trail around the park) IR with MetroBall (18lb football)

Rocky Training Montage – 45 seconds of exercise 15 seconds off for each of the following:


Shadow Boxing

Alternating hand curb merkin

Apollo Creed footwork drill

Rocky reverse crunch (heels don’t touch hold toes to the sky for 1 sec)

Clapping merkin/Hand release merkin

Mountain climbers

Decline situps


Repeato 3x



10IC Confused bear

10IC Peter Parkers

10IC Freddy Mercury

20IC Mason Twist (1st 10IC oyo Q forgot to count)



2 Kings 2:8 Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground.


Why were certain men of God so powerful? Where are they today?



T-claps to Cheetah and Skipper for the preworkout run.

Even with the cold day the outer layers came off quickly.

Post workout, the preconstruction boxes of joe and protein bars were a welcome sight!

T-claps to all the PAX for making time to help with FM’s Girl Scout project at Rescue Park. Especially Cheetah, Goodwrench and Clark for staying with it until noon.

T-claps to Lightbulb and LED for arriving at 8 to work.


It is such an honor to lead within F3!
