Rocky Sled Hill & Burpee Peaks at Gladiator !

20 Sweathog Monsters tackled the gloom, rocks, hills, grass, roadways, and parking lots to kick off their Tuesday of Super Bowl week !  Pax were hungry for some action and this is how their test played out ! Missing from website list – M16 & Miami Vice.  Jethro – War Daddy.  Han Solo – War Baby !

Mosey to new apt building up Oakhurst Blvd.  Really finish those things already !  Red clay everywhere ain't cool !


Windmill x 10IC

IST x 10IC

Mericans x 10IC

Toy Soldier x 10IC

SSH x 20IC

Mosey to Sled Hill for Rock pleasure.

Rock Hill:

Partner up, size no matter, and grab a Challenging rock !

AMRAP (one of YHC fav)

Partner A – Curls, Partner B – Reg Run to top sidewalk & back (Flip Flop)

A – Squats, B – Quadrephelia to top, reg run down (Flip Flop)

A – Skull Crushers, B – Reg run half way up hill, Bear Crawl to top (Flip Flop)

A – Alt Lunges, B – Full Bear Crawl from bottom (several BS calls possibly in different languages, or just being sworn at, hard to tell) (Flip Flop)

A – Shoulder Press, B – Quadrephelia to top, reg run down (Flip Flop)

2 Line Native American Run back to apt area down to the Wet Spot or Moat.

Burpees on the Peaks:

4 peaks, reg run back to sidewalk stopping at each peak for 5 Burpees OYO

Plank at top, Mericans x 10 IC

Mosey to Upper Bar region

Upper Bars:

Dips x 15 IC

Single Leg Squats x 10, L then R

Australian Pullups (love these) w palms facing in x 15 IC

Incline Mericians x 10 IC

Dips x 10 IC

Mosey back toward parking lot

Stop for Diamond Merican Time Bomb 5-4-3-2-1 – YHC Feeling lots of love at this point – More BS calls.  Cmon guys we're so close to base.  Move on !

Back to parking lot for MARY.

MARY: Pass the Buck !

Landline – Dying Cochroach (too many)

Ninja Turtle – Crunchy Frog (spine tingling)

Clooney – LBC – (light dizziness)

Chestnut – 5 Burpees OYO (dead shoulders)

Drive Thru – Plank combinations, L arm up, R arm up

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1)Thanks to Travolta for allowing me to Q Gladiator.  Deceiving hills and areas to discover for Pain locating.

(2) Strong group of F3 veterans and beastly new guys killing it out there.

(3) 53 temp & 99 humidity had some Pax wishing for Spring and Summer mornings when we can pop right out of the FS – soon Men, soon.

(4) Todays workout winners were Omega, Travolta, and M16 crushing every aspect of their morn.  Pretty sure Omega is a Bear.  Travolta has speed and strength to match.  M16 can Quadrephelia & Karaoka faster than humanly possible !  Nice work Men !

(5) Thanks to the F3 basics of Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith that peak my interest every day !  I'm afraid you got me for as long as my body and mind will last !  Amen !

Mayhem (in the AM)