Rodney Dangerfield

Event Date

Jun 07, 2016

As luck would have it YHC was scheduled to Q the AES on the day Riptide was leading his 50th birthday RESPECT workout.  After several "Come to the 5:30 workout" emails I was happy to get four brave souls (above plus Bojangles) to join me. (Paul Schaffer was also at the Green at 5:15. He asked if we were the 5:15 or 5:30 workout. When told, he said "I'll wait for the 5:30".  Now I know what the new barber at Great Clips feels like when customers wait while he/she is idle!)

Here's what we did…

1) Warmup on the Green

2) Raccoon crawl circuit – raccoon crawl the wall at the CVS. Run back to the Green for 10 box jump burpees.  Repeat x2 for a total of three laps.  At this point the massive crowd was gathering for Riptide so we headed to DUMC.  

3) DUMC circuit

Sandbags – Form two lines.  Group 1 did curls x 10 IC while Group 2 held their bags over their heads.  Switch and repeat.  Group 1 for shoulder press x 10 IC while Group 2 held bags overhead.  Switch and repeat.  All did bench press x 10 IC.  

Run up stairs to the courtyard for Mary: LBC x 15 IC, low flutter x 15 IC, Jane Fonda x 10 IC each side, Reverse LBC x 15 IC.  

Run to White House parking lot. Line up at one end for a ladder. 10 merkins, run to other end, 9 merkins and run back, 8 and run, 7 and run, etc. down to 0. 

Back to the sandbags and repeat above. 

Back to courtyard for another round of Mary. 

Back to upper lot for another ladder. Substitute squats for merkins. 

Back to sandbags and repeat except we extended the bench press to 25 IC. 

COT – We celebrated with Bojangles on some great family news he shared and prayed for the students recently released or soon to be released from school. Summertime is special for youth. We hope they enjoy it and do so safely. Three of us joined Riptide and company for the last minutes of the DBC workout to make it a full hour of fun!