Roll them Bones – Monopoly Style

My pre-blast gave a nod to The Force and Duvall.  I've done a Monopoly style workout with the Force at the The Wilderness and with Duvall at the Davidson track.  I figured I'd pilfer the cocept and see what happens.

As I was placing the "properties" around the movie theatre I witnessed Outlaw and Deep Dish finishing up a standard – two "non-runners" who certainly are trying to drop that title.  Good Work men.

And then from out of the gloom came a strong group of Hollywood regulars – this is what we did – as far as you know….


Mosey over to the parking deck – up the ramp and down the stairs.  Head over to the usual launch spot and circle up.

All the regulars: SSH, IST, Cotton Pickers, Mountain Climbers into a downward dog and some stretches.  


We counted off into three teams, and each team received a pair of dice.  There were 16 stops spaced out around the movie theatre.  Roll the dice – run that number of spots and perform the exercise listed.  Each exercise had a monetary value and the team's treasurer was to collect the cash after each stop.  

Conferring with Deep Dish it seems like the total workout was somewhere between 2.2 and 2.5 miles depending on your team.

Exercises and Values were:

– Davidson 10 Count $1

– 20 Calf Raises $10

– 15 Carolina Dry Docks IC $20

– 15 Alternatng Lunges IC $20

– 20 Mountain Climbers IC $20

– 15 Low Flutters IC $20

– 15 Curb Dips IC $50

– 10 Diamond Mericans IC $50

– 20 LBCs IC $50

– People's Chir with 20 Air Presses IC $50

– 10 Decline Mericans IC $50

– 20 Jump Squats OYO $100

– 10 Partner Hand Slap Mericans IC $100

– 20 WW II Sit-ups OYO $100

– 10 8-ct Body Builders $500

– Run a lap around the theatre $500

There was a small group feel to the morning as we completed laps with our teams – but there was defintiely a chance to interact with the others when the dice had us meet up.

The Go Directly to Jail Moleskin

– Fun Crowd today.  It's hard to see dice in the dark – and there was a learning curve on the rules – but once everything was worked out – everyone put in some good work.

– I had some trophies from the dollar store that were for the winning team – but it became very apparent that teams may have taken more than one bill at some stops – which rendered the totals moot.  While I'm pretty certain TEAM 2 was the overall winners – – – everyone got a participation trophy.  WE'RE ALL WINNERS.  (Hippie tweeted a shot of his trophy on his dash board – full of cash).

– Prayers up for Hippie's Father-in-law in Lake Placid, NY.  Keep him and those that are caring for him in your thoughts and prayers.

– I started the day with Outlaw and ended the day with Outlaw with post Meet the Teacher beers at Primal – where we ran into some PAX talking BRR strategy.  [Even after 2 sets of 8-ct body buiders, he was kind enough to buy YHC a beer.  I owe you one.]

– And speaking of Outlaw – we all got a biolgy lesson coutesy of the good doctor at the launch pad.  (We will forever think about prostate health during pre-post stretching – – and now, so will you.)  There is a fountain that sits across from the theatre entrance.  It features three lion heads with water streams coming our of their mouths.  According to Outlaw – they are a microcosm of F3.  The lion on the left, with the storngest stream, represents the PAX in their 20's and 30's.  The middle lion, with a slightly less strenuous stream – is a 40 year old PAX.  And finally, the lion on the right, who was dribbling into the fountain is the RESPECT PAX.  Can't unsee that.

Always an HONOR and PLEASURE,
