Rolling Along

Event Date

Jun 30, 2020


9 men posted to SVU trying something new, just rolling along.        



Merkins around the clock (for Metrodog)



The Idea: Run length Crepe Ridge rolling a tire; beating with sledgehammer.

One PAX rolls the tire

One PAX carries a 10 lb sledge hammer

Extra Coupons: 60 lb sand bag, 32 lb kettle ball, Ab Roller


While tire is rolling, every PAX does Indian run around the tire (keeping up on uphills is easy, down hills – not so much)

Coupon carriers work to keep up.


At random intervals, tire is dropped and sledge hammer holder takes 20 hits.  Coupons do:

Sandbag clings

Kettle bell swings

Ab roller

Rest of PAX does burpees


Then the coupons are rotated, and a new roller takes over.  Off we go.


Continued the entire length of Crepe Ridge, then back to the playground for max pull-ups and monkey humpers.


Reflection:  “Don’t waste your time on useless work.  Watch your step.  Use your had.  Make the most of every chance you get.  These are desperate times”.                             Ephesians 5:11


It’s June 30.  Halfway through 2020, which has not turned out like a lot of people had planned.  Remember those New Year’s resolutions???  Well, today is the half way point, and a good time to stop and reflect how your are doing.  Do you need to make some course corrections?  Maybe you need to start all over again??  Either way, it’s OK.  Important thing is to stop and take a nav heading.  Realize where you are (how you got here is less important), then adjust your trajectory.  Don’t wait til next Jan. 1.  Do it today.


Mole Skin:

  • FNG is Cauliflower (friend of Puddle visiting from Washington).

  • Tire beating makes a melodic tone, but one neighbor did not appreciate it.  But the PAX seemed to enjoy it.

  • Tire needs an alignment, or maybe the PAX does?

  • Last minute add for the kettle bell was a bad decision, as well as the burpees.

  • Retread joins AFTER doing 4:30 class at Burn.  Serious effort for the two-fer this morning.

  • Dandelion has a love affair with sandbag.  He would not put it down.

  • Most PAX need to work on left handed sledgehammer swings.  Some call outs on who are white collar workers #HammerForm

  • Missed Skipper, it’s his tire.  

  • My last Q was November of 2018!!  Where did all that time go?!?!

  • Missed Clark.


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb