Rolling of the die at the wilderness

26 pax came out to play a little monopoly with YHC rolling the die each time.

Since the force didn't have any copy write language in his backblast or PowerPoint materials I figured it was fair game to steal and use as my own.  Thanks Force for coming out even with your stress fracture and always a pleasure to Q my home workout.  There is always a great turnout and a decent amount of mumble chatter.

Warmorama:  Mosey out and around the park to inform the PAX of the route we’d take turns running while everyone else played the game on the home court.  Followed by SSHs, ESTs, cotton pickers at home court.  Then we headed the game board for Monopoly

Just about every avenue of a monopoly board was placed along the sidelines and baselines of the basketball court.  With each avenue was an exercise. 

We counted off to form 4 equal groups, Groups started on different areas of the board.  YHC would roll the die.  After to rolling that die, one runner volunteered from each of the 4 groups to run the route out of, around, and back into the park.  While the runners were away, the PAX were doing whatever exercise was listed on the avenue in which they’d landed.

The exercises were a mix of upper and lower body and core.  Park Place and Boardwalk were of course the highest rent – burpees.  Kentucky was of course partner prison squats (sorry you missed it, Jolly Roger, I had to leave this in from the force’s original write up since I am a Carolina fan).  And closest to the rock pile were a series of exercises using the rocks.  If you landed on GO, you the whole group ran the route.  Jail was rock moving with partners back to back.  And there was a community chest where the PAX got to choose the punishment.  We went right to the full amount of time since Mary was peppered in thru out the workout.


The go to jail moleskin:

Lots of fan favorites in the selection this morning (star gazers aka glute bridge, monkey humpers, and prison yard squats).  I am pretty sure that no landed on the prison yard squats.

We have a mini goat in the pax. Hallelujah was channeling his inner goat and call cadence like the old sea dog himself.

i enjoy when we can keep the group together and get in some good mumble chatter.

I am pretty sure that every group that did the glute bridges did them in a circle i am not sure why they wanted to look at each other but they did.

Remember to always check out the announcements page and read the details of all of the events that are coming up in the near future.