Rolling Rolling Rolling or Hills for Breakfast

Event Date

Oct 22, 2019


Happy to see the attendance at Fartlek this morning. Rain was in the forecast and the route for this mornings run was drawn up to keep us as close to the AO as possible, provide for a slight change of scenery, and to challenge us via rolling hills. 

The route consisted of 2 loops. Each loop was approx 2.90 miles per mapmyrun. Plenty of options were available if we needed to cut the route short and head for safety. Thankfully, the forecast was off and we were able to dodge the rain this morning. 

The route is available at the below link for your viewing pleasure and/or in case if you missed this mornings run you can make up for it by running it another day to see what we experienced.

The route reminded me of my recent run through the rolling hills of burbon country this past weekend. I wonder if my mind was stil subconsciously longing for similar terrian in the Ville. 

Good effort today by all. 

As always, I am thankfull for the opportunity to lead such a fine group of men on Tuesday's at Fartlek. 

As a reminder please sign up on the calendar to Q this AO and bring something of your own to our run. 

Please keep Mona Lisa and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

YHC Crablegs