Rolling the Bones – MadSci style

In the spirit of bringing the fun back, YHC decided to mix parlor games with pain.  The dice came out for a twisted little game of craps.  About a half a dozen rolled out of the gloom with funny bookbags on, as I was unloading FNGs from far away (Sao Paulo and London) from my intercontinental clown car.  

"Is this workout ruck friendly?" was the question of the day

After sharing the game rules with TBC and Cap'n…it was deemed "ruckfreindlyish" and we strolled down to the basement. 



10 Cotton Pickers IC

10 Windmills IC


Dice Game

  • First Die = Indicator of deck level and exercise (mosey up or down for each round)
  1. Hand Release 'Mericans
  2. Carolina Dry Docks
  3. Alternating Lunges
  4. Jump Squats (Regular Squats for Rucktards)
  5. WWII Situps
  6. Mason Twist
  • Second Die = Number of reps X10

Box Cars (6,6) and Snake Eyes (1,1) woiuld have sent us to burpee basement, starting at 10 and escalating 10 reps for each occurence…somehow this penalty was completely avoided. I blame sneaky rucker cahoots.   

However the pax were able to conjure pain in other ways.  Audible BS calls were there for the 1/6 and 5/6 combos.  YHC called BS on YHC for 60 HR 'mericans with ruck…releases got progressively longer.  At one point Two Buck Chuck offered me a hug, assuming that there was not a lot of warmth in my childhood. Well, my pops is a retired Navy Captain…so yeah…recommended hug quota was probably not acheived.  Cobains, you should have rolled more ones (like Mr. Burns).  If craps is not your game, we can play WWII-Merican Blackjack next time – Captain America's favorite game.  

We powered through about a dozen rounds.  Good balance of both reps and exercises.  Nice closer Mary call when mason twist came up and Professor decided that the 40 reps would be in cadence.  A little pause at the halfway point with some claiming there was no 8 on the die. 


  • Strong work by my work friends from abroad.  As the second workout for the 2 Brazilians. Welcome Federer and Mercury (Freddie reincarnate – makes you want to get on your 6 and start kicking to pay hommage).  
  • Hmmmm…now we have named pax…in South America. Intercontinental leap?  They want it.  
  • Special thanks to Jedi for taking us out in the COT…nobody does it better.