Round 2

Booyah!  5 Pax showed up in the early morning hours to get a little fitness and fellowship on in the gloom. Shout out to Stump Jumper for making the trek to the Out Limits and to Chicken Noodle for working out after giving blood Saturday (insert bicep emoji). This was FGF’s second Q and thanks to Pusher for keeping on task, Squirrel!


Mosey around the green, back to the clubhouse for 1. Side Straddle Hops 2. Windmills 3. Cotton Pickers 4. Hill Billies 5. Merkins

The Thang

Tabata style circuits with a Stump Jumper calling me on the Weinke and Pusher calling me on the ode to Sparknut. 

Circuit 1– 3 sets (playground OYO)

            Merkins x 15

            Pullups x 5

            Bulgarian Squats x 15 each leg

Circuit 2– 2 sets (clubhouse- 45 secs, 15 rest)

            Superman Merkins

            Mary Katherine’s

            Boat/ Bow

Circuit 3– 3 sets (45 secs, 15 rest)

            Barbwire Merkins

            Jump Squats

            Leg Raises

Circuit 4– 1 set

            1 Armed Planks (FGF attempting to count)

            Calve Raises

            Runners Crunch

Peoples Mary

            Jo Lo, Dying Cockroach, Low plank alternating knees to elbows, WW2 crunches

FGF calling Recover, Recover too early, Stump Jumper wanting his last 5 mins and monies worth, leading to another Lap around the green. 


Prayers for Noodle Family, Marshalls sister, Pusher getting closer to 30 mile hike for Cystic Fibrosis with shootout for ongoing support. 

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead and get to know you men!

John 15:16

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that remains, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.*

*My emphasis added
