Round Robbin

Event Date

Sep 14, 2023


Nice morning for a workout. Left Birkdale Starbucks promptly at 0531. Moseyed to a parking lot for Warmorama:

All exercises in cadence for 20 reps.



Toy soldier


The Thang

Off we go to the old fountain at Kenton Place.

20 ‘mericans

20 squats

20 LBC

Off we go to Elevation Church.

20 ‘mericans 

20 squats

20 low flutters

Off we go to Robbins Park.

20 inclined’mericans 

20 dips

20 Freddy Mercs
Back to Elevation Church.

20 ‘mericans

20 squats

20 Rosalitas 

Back to Starbucks.

20 ‘mericans

20 LBC

20 Touch Dem Heels

Recover recover!

Master Q Lonestar took us out in prayer. 

Coffeeteria was well represented. Thankful for the opportunity to lead such fine men. God bless to all.