Round the Playground we go

The PAX arrived, likely saw me setting up a (snake-eyes-eque) workout area.  So I rolled up and told them to start running.  This was a bit of a late Q sign-up, but heck I'm still aiming to deliver.


Run around lower field

Bear Crawl


Bear Crawl

Snake hill

SSH X 20

Merkin X 10

Mtn Climber X 15

IST X 25

Cotton/Cherry Picker X 20

Run around lot to wall


Peoples chair

run back down to playground

12 stations and 1 runner

Jump Rope

Crunches on stability ball

Deep merkins

seated row

Deltoid/Front weight raises

Skull crusher

Swing Crunches

Kettle Bell swing


Shoulder press


mason Twist

Cycle through once

Run to field

Jump Squat X 10

Merkin X 8

Sprint to mid-field

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey back to wall

Balls to the wall

Peoples chair with air presses

Cycle through playground weightroom again

Run to lower field

Crab walk 1/2 field

Carolina choo choo – each man twice

Cycle through Playground weightroom again


WW2 X 20

Pretzel X 10 each side

Elbow Plank as long as the PAX wanted


Hope all appreacited the workout today.  I tried to keep it mostly upper body, actually had intended to work another set of balls to the wall, but after that second cycle through the gym, knew I didn't have that in me, had to audible with some carolina choo choo.

If you are reading this – GO SIGN UP FOR AN ESTATE Q – doesn't matter what date you pick, just commit to one already.  Otherwise you never know what you might get next week.

Thanks all for joining, appreciate the push you all give me, hope I've increased your fitness this morning.  Thanks to the Professor for his leadership of the Estate, even when he's got to find substitue Qs.  Oh and if I end up Qing the Estate again soon cause no-one signs up…..beware.