Row your boat

Event Date

Jul 03, 2021


Two crazy PAX and one sane PAX arrived for a workout Saturday morning in the celestial 58* dry air. Two of the PAX had actually run 3 miles, swum a good ways, and biked like 10 miles….heroes! So, figured I might as well make them work hard since they seem invincible.

Warm up


15 IC Windmills

10 IC Toy Soldiers

15 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Ski Abs

10 IC Larry Czonkas

Shoulder circles

The Thang

Designed to accomodate PAX that don't want to run, the Rowing machine was carted over and assembled. 

Round 1 – each PAX rows 500m as quickly as possible handing it off to the next in line for 2 cycles, or a total of 3000m rowed. The other PAX can choose between:

– Slam Balls

– Bertha lifts (Bertha got very little love)

– Merkins (clear lack of desire to do any of these)

– Trifectas

– PVC shoulder work (everyone loved this choice)

Between rounds – Quadraphilia up LBH and knock out 25 WWIs. Back to AO for a "River" push up session (about 36 total). 

Round 2 – same as round 1.

Return block, load toys, and knock out 75 WWIs.


Rowing is hard. The song, Row, row, row your boat is actually a great metaphor for life. It's YOUR boat. No one else is going to row it for you. You need balance or you will just go in circles. Although you can set your direction, you row in the present or looking at the past – the future is really unknown. We need to row gently, that is, going with the FLOW of life. And be happy about it, do it merrily. Because, in the end, life is just a dream – just a small part of your eternal progression.

Proverbs 4:23 – "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." The FLOW of life comes from our hearts. Let's keep them with diligence, stay focues on the Savior, and support each other as we row, row, and row.


Shirley and Cheetah are nuts. 'Nough said.


Always a pleasure.
