RR13k/Excelsior unintentional DoubleDown

The actual Excelsior start launched for 8-Pax during the extended RR10k.  The issue being a guard at Rural Hill advised we could not cross his gate.  He muttered something about an event today including bounce-houses and felt we were not mature enough to pass without harming the property of the party equipment.  The Pax advised the noticably out-of-shape guard that this will add 2 miles to our morning run but he wanted nothing of it.  A few Pax mumbled but we all tucked our tails between our legs and retreated back to Home Base the same way we came.  This included a 2nd trip passed the WWTP and the subsequent 1-mile hill from the plant to the church.  When it was all said it done, we all returned home safely and with 8.1 miles completed as opposed to the 6.1 we anticipated at the launch.  Turns out, all things happen for a reason and we are all better for it.

Freedam and Burning Bush opted to miss out on the RR10k run but lunched the Excelsior on their own to the usual route of a trip to the Rock.  

Great work by all!