RT 66 School Bells

Event Date

Sep 16, 2022

Four for Bells on a cool September morning FNG was Spud son of Dirt_Den.

Warm up

squats, WM, Toy Soldiers, Cotton Pickers, Tie Fighters

Beat Down

Modified Rt 66; CW 11 stations around lot x 6 CH squats and 6 step ups at three benches.

Top Gun modified; 5 Reps of curls, press, squats, dead lift, rows, merkins.  Repeat 5 sets.

 Bear Crawl Bell Drag/Welsh Dragon; 4 drags of KB/CB followed by burpee/blockie.  Add one burpee at each drag until count reaches 6.

Rt 66  CCW repeat 11 stations with 6 exercises 


LBC, low flutter


Psalms 9; "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,a stronghold in times of need."

Thanks for opportunity to lead!  Pray for families.