RTR runs long

The plan of the day was to run the rough (RTR,). This consists of running the parkway and stopping at each street for an exercise.

Disclaimer & Warmup

Windmill 10 IC

Dwigh Shrutes 10 IC


Toy Soldier 10 IC


At the first street 10 burpees OYO

At the 2nd street 10 Hand release Mericans IC

At the 3rd street 10 Man maker Mericans IC

At the 4th street 10 CDD IC

Down the hill and stop at the bridge for 10 Dips IC

At the 5th Street 10 Shoulder touch Mericans IC

At the 6th street 10 Crucifix Mericans IC

At the Wynfield Clubhouse 10 Peter Parker Mericans IC & 10 Parker Peter Mericans IC

It was here that YHC decided it would be cutting it close, if not goin over the 6:15 finish, if we continued adding excercises while stopping at each street. Instead, we ran back and finished about 5 minutes after the expected time. 


Great turnout today. It was good to see Frontier again (off the Kotters roster), as well as Kumquat coming back to his old hood. Kumquat, Soprano, Crocs, and Tagless were out front the entire time. The Force & Rooney were also near the front. YHC ran between the middle group and the six most of the time, getting to talk to Megaphone, Jorel, TG, Frontier, & Amen. All of this was punctuated by the master shredding of EVH, whiich I had cranking (if you can call it that) from my phone. We covered 3.4 miles, plus 10 burpees, 10 dips, and 150 Merican variations.

Prayers for Jimmyo, Megaphones MIL, Qbert, and all the unspoken prayers. Until next time.



