Ruck Training/Recruitment

Event Date

Apr 07, 2018


Warm Up


The Thang

-We moseyed to the playground to choose our block companion for the workout.                                                                                                                            

-We carried our blocks to the church behind SVU stopping for pain stations along the way.

-Once at the church we split into two groups.

-Group one did max rep exercises while group two did a lap around the church. We repeated this many times.

-We carried our blocks back to the AO stopping for pain stations along the way.


No need for Mary as we did many ab exercises.



-SVU received some mustang visitors today. Not sure if it was the fact that Skipper was going there or the PB threatening muddy conditions but PAX deflected none the less.

-A rare appearance by Theuss took place but was surpassed by an even rarer appearance by Big Easy, a true OG of SVU.

-As expected carrying blocks was not a crowd favorite but it’s kind of my thing.

-A pleasure to lead two workouts in one week.