Rucking Games

10 men punched the fartsack in the face to make themselves better despite the rain and YHC lurking in the gloom. Focus this morning on mental fortitude, teamwork and making time hacks. This is how things went down:”Warm Up”Rucks overhead while Q did a gear check. Then, variations of rucks overhead, rucks back on, rucks out in front, overhead squats, flutter kicks, body-builders and inchworm merkins.Mission 1: Lowcrawl to the tires within time hack. Once there tires remain stationary overhead until all pax lungewalk around the cones and back.Mission 2: Circle up in middle of field facing inward. Everyone is holding 1 shoulder strap of 2 different rucks while doing overhead presses, squats, curls, etc. Pass rucks 3 to the left. Turn outward. Run in a straight line til “STOP” Drop rucks and run back.Beep Beep I’m A Jeep (not momma Jeep)Clank Clank I’m A TankRun and go get your rucks-time hack.Snoopy stopped by looking for another workout and an FNG. Neither of which could be found. So, he heckled and encouraged the team a little before running off for a quick 20-mile run (or something like that)Mission 3: Connect all rucks together with carabiners and move to the portico behind the building…don’t forget the flag-another time hack.Mission 4: Hold Al Gore while continually reciting the first stanza of “If” by Rudyard Kipling until everyone has crawl-beared up and down the hill. Excessive breaks were rewarded. There was extra time so clock merkins on the hill (3 while body was pointing to each hour on the clock)Mission 5: Only 5 sets of feet on the ground at a time to get back to starting point.Rucking Moleskin:-8 count body builders aplenty for missed time hacks and mistakes.-This team is getting stronger and really working well together. If you’re missing the posts, you’re already behind the 8 ball. Get in there!-Shoulders and legs were smoking this morning.-Thanks for the sincere honor of handing out pain to your team this morning.-Announcements: MECA Tough-3/17, Memorial Light-3/18, Quarter Ruck-4/20, Operation Sweet Tooth 8k-4/21, Heavy-5/18
