Rucking, Rolling and Pole Dancing

Event Date

Apr 10, 2018


All it took was the ruck friendly pre-blast to boost the PAX numbers. All be it a novice ruck Q!

WARM UP with sack

20IC Side Straddle Hops

20IC Mt. Climbers

20IC Imperial Squat Walkers

Mosey to the back for blocks and to retrieve our pole. Now everyone has pack or a block.

10 Pullups OYO

10 Merkin OYO

10 Pullups OYO

Mosey back to AO – 3 men carry the pole and trade out

Parking lot fun

3 men carry the pole across the parking lot while the rest bear crawl the length of the parking lot.

After each bear crawl group finishes then trade with pole toters (bear crawling with ruck sack was not a fav)

10 Merkin OYO

10 Peter Parkers OYO (not a PAX favorite)

Ruck the hill

3 PAX carry the pole while the rest follow. The last 3 do 10 bear crawl steps and replace the 3 carrying the pole (Q fail – sabotaged by unruly PAX, too complicated to inadequately explained)

At the top of the hill stop for 10 more Merkin OYO – then Skipper drops the ultimate insult “have you ever Q’d a ruck? You don’t know what your doing! …well yeah, it’s in the disclaimer that I forgot!

Retread offered to lead an exercise so we rolled with our Ruck sacks

He called down and we dropped to our chest, roll and we rolled to our back, and then up…you guessed it, back to your feet.

Repeat…until I lost count

Grab the pole and return to the AO

Return the pole to the back.

10 more pullups OYO (with Ruck sack) just because we’re here.

Return to AO for 6 Minutes of Mary

20 IC LBC (holding your Ruck sack above your head)

20IC Dr. W (someone said it and we did it)

20IC Box Cutters (slow count holding Ruck sack about your head)

30 seconds of American Hammer holding Ruck sacks


Proverbs 27:17 New International Version (NIV)

17) As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Thank you to each of you for strengthening one another!


Welcome back Blart!

Many lessons learned and a few Q fails with 1st attempt at Ruck Q!

Add in your MC…


YHC MetroDog