Rucktacular Workout

Event Date

Dec 04, 2017

3 started the morning with a Ruck Standard. Thanks Jimmy O and TBC! 

We strapped on the rucks and headed over to the parking spaces by the ball field
SSH x 20 IC
Windmill x 10 IC
IST x 10 IC
Mtn Climbers x 20 IC
1 Merkin 

The Thang: 

Partner Up: 
Partner 1- Lunge walk around the bases
Partner 2- Jump Rope

Circle Ruck lifts x 10 

Elephant Walk around the bases

Get Ups x 20 OYO

50 Merkins OYO
3 Min plank
50 Shoulder press OYO
3 min overhead ruck hold 

Bear Crawl to the Breezeway 

Ranger Pushups x 10 (took 2 times) 

Mary (all IC):
The "W" x 15
Touch them heals x 15
Freddy Mercury x 15
Flutter x 15
Mason Twist x 15
1 min elbow plank 


– This weather has all of us guessing. TBW and JO showed up in shorts and possibly under dressed. I showed up looking like I was about to "hit the slopes" according to TBC. Still trying to figure out what movie bad things happen when things get cold quickly and you can see your breath…Road to nowhere had that feeling. Then I shedded the coat and I became a cross country skiier. Crazy weather 

– Great converstations about Stranger Things on the ruck! That was fun! 

– Great job Cajun Cowboy for first time with a ruck on! It fit you really well and I can see a great rucking future for your life! 

– Always a pleasure being with  you fine men and a great way to start my week!