Run, hack, exercise, repeato

Event Date

Jan 08, 2018

Six fine men realized that 20 degrees is actually a pretty comfortable temperature to work out in – when given the choice between 20 and 8…

WARM-O-RAMA (sort of)

– Right over left   

– Left over right

– Arm Circles forward

– Arm Circles reverse

– Hug yourself

(Clark rolls in hot thinking he has gotten away with missing side-straddle hops again- he’s wrong)



While stretching, Q explains that this is a repeat of a workout from back in December of 2016 and then again in May 2017.  The theme of the workout is to try to keep your heart rate in the "fat burn" zone throughout. 

So we'll run – but somewhat slowly…(yeah right, with Abrams, Clark and Bertha present?)

We'll run laps around the parking lot – run out for 1 minutes 30 seconds and then turn right at the Q's signal and run back to the launch pad (total lap approximately 2:30 -2:45).  Then we'll do an exercise for about 45 seconds – breathe for 15 seconds and then head out for the next lap. Repeato with a change in exercise each lap until we are done. 

For those that feel they must run faster, feel free to lengthen your lap around the lot as appropriate, but be back in 3 minutes (#scalable)

(start the non-stop warm-o-rama)


Lap 1 then             Side Straddle Hops

Lap 2 then             Windmills

Lap 3 then             Mountain Climbers

Lap 4 then             Imperial Storm Troopers

Lap 5 then             Cotton Pickers

Lap 6 then             Squats

Lap 7 then             Plank for 45

Lap 8 then             'Merkins

(transition to Mary)

Lap 9 then             LBCs

Lap 10 then           10 IC Dr. Ws (but first, Bertha noted (with a sad face) that he was at 2.98 miles so we all had to check our watches and see just how far was needed to hit whatever milestone was next – ok, one more minute to hit your mark)



Philippians 4:11-13

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.


At church yesterday, our pastor centered his preaching around an idea to face 2018, not with a list of resolutions, but with one word – just one word – that would define how you want to approach the new year.  He talked of a detailed process with several different steps to help gather a list of words and narrow it down to ten, and then choosing one and making it your word for the year.  I didn’t need the process.  I tried listening to the details but one word kept coming in to my head over and over.  My word for 2018 is “LESS”

My word was only reinforced by C#’s reflection of Saturday at Rock Springs.  We often measure our lives and call ourselves as ‘blessed’ because of the things in life we have been fortunate enough to gather.  That is not how I want to live my life.  It is not how I intended to live my life but that is what creeps in, slowly – day after day.  I find myself focusing on things that really shouldn’t have that much power in my life and I have found myself with so many, unnecessary and unimportant (or at least less-important) things in my life that they crowd out the more important things I should be focused on.


But ”LESS” is not for everything – just less of the things I need less of.

  • LESS time at the office after normal hours
  • LESS time spent working at home when I should be focused on my home and my family
  • LESS channels on my television (not watching most of them anyway)
  • LESS crap in my garage
  • LESS crap in my front room
  • LESS crap in my kids’ rooms
  • LESS crap in my storage unit
  • LESS crap so I don’t need a storage unit
  • LESS time spent with a drink in my hand
  • LESS excuses and, thus, less fartsacking F3 workouts
  • LESS time spent with my face in my phone scrolling aimlessly through other people’s lives
  • LESS…well, you get the idea.

What do I hope the result of all this “less” is?  Well, as silly as it sounds: “more”.  More time, energy and resources to devote to the truly important things in my life.  Here’s hoping and praying I can stay on the path.



  • Chilly morning (20 degrees or so) but it felt great compared to some recent days
  • Not sure if no one noticed or if people were just being polite, but the Q forgot to put on shorts over the long pants this morning – didn't realize it til getting undressed at home.  I thought the glutes felt a little chilly… #ThankfulForTheDarkness  I'm guessing no one noticed since the Q was six for the entire workout. #BeCarefulWhenDressingWhileAsleep
  • Crawdad continues to kill it, but admitted that the fartsack force was strong this morning.  Nice job telling the force where to stick it.
  • C# continues his torrid pace of workouts – now in preparation for the WWC trail run
  • Clark seems to enjoy watching the warmup as he drives in as opposed to participating.  Well, we made a workout where he couldn’t avoid it.
  • Bertha seems to get faster every time I see him.
  • Abrams? Well Abrams is just a beast – but what is that stuff that comes out of those lungs? – had to move the circle up at the end to avoid what had accumulated at the launch pad following each lap.
  • Some regulars were missing (and missed). Some have been missing lately more than I do – and that’s saying a lot.  Come back to us fellas, you need us and we need you!
  • As always, it is an honor to be given the opportunity to lead (although today would have be classified as ‘leading from behind’) – and a privilege to just be a part of this incredible group of men.