Run the 4-corners

12 of F3 LKN’s finest endure muggy conditions for running and pain stations. Kumquat and Curd started and finished at same time with OTB running. When volunteering to Q on short notice, I went to the archives for an old favorite, but added my own twist. The result was the Ruffles Run with 4-corners in the middle. I am truly sorry The Force missed my small gesture in honor of Dean Smith who won many games in the pre-shot clock era with this classic strategy…but I digress.


·Mosey Lap around parking lot with High Knees and Butt Kickers. Circle up and disclaimer.

·20 SSHs x IC, 15 ISTs x IC, 15 Cotton Pickers x IC, 20 Mountain Climbers x IC



Running + Pain Stations

·Run to each street and plank until six arrives, then exercise as instructed by Q.

·1st street = 10 burpees OYO, 2nd street = Merkins x 10 IC, 3rd street = Squats x 15 IC, 4th street = LBCs x 20 IC (Taunton 4-way stop)

·Run downhill to next street. Incline Merkins x 10 IC and Decline Merkins x 10 IC

·Begin return to home base with stop at guard rails. Shoulder Dips x 10 IC.

· Run to 4-way stop for four corners: 10 burpees , 20 Merkins , 30 squats, 40 LBCs—all OYO

·Return run with stops as follows:

·1st street = 10 8-count body builders OYO, 2nd street = 20 WWII sit-ups OYO, 3rd street = Monkey Humpers x 15 IC, 4th street = CDDs x 20 IC



· Circle-up at Whoville Tree for Low Flutter x 15 IC, Mason Twist x 15 IC, J-Lo x 15 IC (Amen), Shoulder Tap Merkins x 15 IC (Snake Eyes)

·Recover / Recover



·Covered ~2.5 miles according to the Garmin–a solid workout in hot and muggy conditions. Strong running and pain work by all.

·BRR season is upon us—Ruffles is promising more of the same next week.

·YHC will talk with Sweet C about getting a permanent equalizer for DIY—dude is just too fast.

·Fenway’s drive-by at approx. mile 2 is under investigation with explanation pending at Odyssey tomorrow.

·Strong running by Kumquat and Curd—don’t know how many miles or pace, just know that YHC couldn’t keep up.

·Keep Swing State and his family in your prayers

·Thanks to The Force for the privilege to lead this workout. The Wilderness is always one of my favorites for the fellowship even more than the fitness.

