Runner Arms Received Their Portion at this Morning’s A.E.S.!

Event Date

Sep 05, 2019


Additional Pax Present:  Bad Santa

8 Pax showed up for this morning's Advanced Early Shift to work on their runner's arms. 

Warm up on Green, mosey to DUMC for Paver, Trapazoid and Sandbag work.  Lots of rounds of curls, skull crushers, OH Press, Bentover Rows, with a few laps around Flat Iron, Walnut St. and the parking lot to shake out our arms and also some core work to give our arms a brief respite. 

Once the brutalization of our arms was done, we moseyed over to the pull up bars for 2 quick rounds of pull ups and merchans.

With time running out, we moseyed back to the Green for Dips & Mary.

It's always great to work out with the Pax in the Gloom and I'm always greatful for the opportuntiy to lead.  Each Pax present worked hard in the warmer and more humid gloom to make their arms and core a bit stronger.  Now, back to running on Friday.
