Runners and Ruckers FTMP

Preplanning was pretty impressive on this one.  The ruckers launched, Pierogiless, at 'bout 5 AM.  These guys banged out the better part of 3 miles with several stops for water, supplies, traffic, and to help a small lady with her Bichon Friche.  These guys really knocked it outta the park, carrying weight (allegedly- it was jettisoned prior to the COT), kept a good pace, and really impressed the runners, who only numbered three (3).  

The original run was planned to be JUST UNDER 4 miles, with water stations at 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2. 8, and 3.6 miles.  The cheer section, tucked neatly in at mile marker 3, were loud and raucous….. ostensibly waking the neighbors as a seasoned citizen yelled 'swear' words at them when the aforementioned runners trotted by (again, at the 3 mile point).  The finish tape was broken first by YHC, as 'some' of the course was omitted today…..for personal reasons.  

A resounding sense of accomplishment and feelgood soaked the COT like a thick fog on an Irish paddock JUST before dawn.  Prayers were said, tunes hummed, fists bumped, the Big Man was thanked, and we went about our day.  
