Runnin’ and Plankin’

Event Date

Apr 04, 2016


Lap around lot

SSH X 20

Merkin X 15

Peter Parker X 10

Parker Peter X 10

Cotton Picker X 15

Runnin' about 3/4ths-ish of a mile


Right arm up, left arm up, right leg up, left leg up (separately)

Hip Dip X 10 each side

Runnin' 3/4ths-ish of a mile

Elbow Plank

Plank Jack x 15

Runnin' 3/4ths-ish of a mile

Elbow Plank

J-Lo X 15

Runnin' 3/4ths-ish of a mile

Elbow Plank (PAX count to 10 each)

WW2 X 20

Dying cockroach X 15

Run back to home base


Covered 2 1/4 for #thestandard & 3 1/2 in workout.  Good amount of running today, some of you are starting to look like BRR runners (yes 9-Lives I'm talking to you).  Fenway did NOT merlot.  Lots of interest in the standard, heck of a job getting almost 6 miles for those that made both.  Yes Turnpike I had more plank exercises in mind, however my running route may have been on the aggressively longer side.  I continue to maintain that 2nd F pace is in the eye of the beholder, so long as no-one claims anything in the 7 minute range qualifies (Turnpike).

Thanks all for joining, this morning was a bit cool, but it felt good to get out and run with everyone.  Have a fantastic week (and as a reminder – show up for TheEstate on Saturday YHC is Qing)!